Saturday, January 6, 2007

Feng Shui: Water And The Cycle Of Life

By: P. Davis
The spiritual connection to the physical world is about harnessing the positive energy that surrounds us through the ancient Chinese art of placement, arrangement and connectivity known as Feng shui (pronounced "fung schwee"). Feng shui literally means "wind and water" in Chinese. The connective flux or the constant state of change between all five elements—fire, earth, water, wood, and metal—urges us to be in balance and in harmony with nature. There is no greater pathway of least resistance to this invisible energy that is constantly circulating, or ch'i (pronounced chee) than through flowing water. To begin by incorporating water into your environment in a harmonious way, it can bring balance into your life.

The placement of water and other elemental materials attracts ch'i. While ch'i does tend to gather in certain places, the proper circulation of ch'i may become obstructed or unbalanced in the places where we live, or the areas of a home or office. Then we may experience the adverse effects in many ways. For instance, relationships with other people may be unfulfilling, health may become impaired, or our finances may suffer. There are many different ways to improve ch'i, and one of the best and easiest ways to introduce the principles of Feng shui into your life is with the addition of water.

Generally speaking, water features are used to stimulate or create wealth or prosperity. Beyond the financial representation itself, richness in the value of life itself is also considered prosperous. Water is represented by several elements in the home such as the colors of black (in the West, black symbolizes seriousness, formality, and wisdom; is also used to increase mental activity and communication) and dark blue (reminds us of nature and conveys a sense of serenity; symbolizes seriousness and dignity). Also representative of water are glass materials, wavy and irregular shapes (symbolizes flexibility, interaction, and adaptability), as well as some household objects: sinks, tubs, toilets, faucets, aquariums, pools, glass items, and plumbing. These colors, materials, and shapes all can be linked with one element or another. It's important to stress that one element should not dominate over the others. For example, too much fire in a room can cause tension and instability.

In order to understand how water may create prosperity, it's important to understand the cycles of how the five elements interact to bring balance and harmony. The first cycle is the productive cycle, which is the nurturing cycle where one element produces the next one. The help of this cycle is taken to enhance the positive areas of your home. For instance, fire burns and produces ash (earth) then earth produces metal in its bowels. Metal when heated flows like water and water nourishes wood then wood is the fuel for fire. In the next cycle, the controlling cycle, one element controls the next element. For instance, fire melts metal and metal (axe) cuts wood. Wood then controls earth with its roots and earth restricts the flow of water then water extinguishes fire. Finally, in the weakening cycle, it is exactly the reverse of the productive cycle. If an element produces another element, the former gets weakened in the process. For instance, fire burns wood and wood soaks up all the water. Then water takes strength from metal and metal is extracted from the earth in which earth (ash) is produced from fire.

Since water is both the literal and symbolic source of life, it improves the ch'i more than most other elements. Slow moving water allows ch'i to accumulate, or even be formed. This is where water fountains become essential to balance life's energies. Depending on the placement of water fountains, they can enhance different aspects of your life and improve mental health.

Water fountains bring the soothing sounds of water into your life and are a good way to bring positive energy into the home. For indoors, place a wall fountain in your office or work area. The soothing effect of running water helps reduce tension, while providing symbolic nourishment to increase your income. The stones in the fountain help stabilize your finances so you don't spend more as you earn more. For outdoors, garden fountains can be used. Like wall fountains, garden fountains are available in materials that are also appropriate for Feng shui such as glass—(again, symbolizes water), stone, ceramic, wood, and metal. These Feng shui material elements go hand-in-hand with the balance you wish to create in your home.

Birdbaths are also a great addition to your front- or back-yard. Feng shui connects water, which nurtures all life, with money. Birds are also considered lucky, so this cure combines both symbols to increase prosperity.

Here are some additional Feng shui tips to include more water and the cycle of life into your home or office:

* Position a mirror to reflect a body of water. This cure is for people who live near a body of water—a lake, the ocean, a river, or a stream. Water, which nourishes all life, can also symbolically nourish your finances and help increase your income. Hang a mirror so that it reflects the view of water and "draws" its wealth-producing energy to you.

* Install an aquarium in your living room. Aquariums grace many Chinese restaurants and are considered good luck. Because fish are living creatures, they are apt symbols of life, health, and growth, and water nourishes all living things. An aquarium also makes a colorful, calming addition to your interior environment.

* Replace a washer in a leaky kitchen faucet. A dripping faucet in the kitchen, where wealth is generated, can cause money to slowly leak away.

* Close toilet lids. Ch'i flows away from your home via drains, especially the toilet. Closing the toilet lid keeps money from "going down the drain."

* Close the bathroom door and the shower curtain. By keeping these closed, you prevent ch'i—and prosperity–from slipping away down the drain.

* Hang a glass wind chime in the window of your office or work space. Glass facilitates mental activity and communication, so this is good for people who work in communication fields, computers, or sales.

Feng shui reminds us that we're living with rather than against nature and it benefits both human beings and our environment. Our lives are affected by our physical and emotional environments. Instead of surrounding ourselves with destruction and obstruction, we surround ourselves with openness, cleanliness, and the understanding of life's essential elements; we are harmonizing ourselves and balancing our lives.

Making The Most Of The Front Of Your Home Using Wind Chimes

To beautify the front of your home and enhance your landscape, why not use the magical benefits of wind chimes? They come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and price ranges, and are sure to be the perfect compliment, regardless of exterior design.

Small nondescript houses are especially flattered by such yard features as trellises, decorative mailboxes, birdhouses, and wind chime designs that add a distinct country home décor charm.

Outdoor southwest décor can be enhanced by a more natural looking landscape, one harmonious with the eco-system. Use large wooden tubs of ornamental cactus or interesting semi-succulent flora, strategically placed in a section of the yard made up of ornamental stones, bark chips, or native ground cover.

Areas within the garden and along the perimeter can be planted with tufts of ornamental grasses. Drifts of native plants that flower at different times of the year will add color and give balance to the landscape design.

A stone or cement bird bath, garden bench, and perfectly tuned wind chimes suspended from the branch of a tree not only make the yard look more appealing, but more inviting as well. Hear the haunting "vocals" tapped from each pipe as the wind passes by, and enjoy the tranquil setting where harmony kisses the sun.

This type landscape design is not only unique and attractive, but low-maintenance; an added bonus that busy homeowners will surely appreciate.

Wind chimes can be used as an enhancement and to create a certain mood or compliment design in a variety of ways. A set of small diameter pipe wind chimes suspended from an elaborate hanger by the front door can replace a doorbell or door knocker during mild weather months. A small polished brass plaque beside it could announce a formal "Ring for service," or a more playful, "Ring my chimes."

Such an arrangement could enhance an otherwise plain porch. A natural wood or painted lattice or fan trellis, embraced by flowering vines, could complete the quaint scene. If positioning of the porch allows, place the trellis on the north end to reduce force of air current. That way, when the chimes "sing" you know you have a visitor.

Use decorating ideas that compliment the front of your yard, beautifying what you have to work with, instead of competing against it. Finely tuned wind chimes are a sure way to add a relaxing note; complimentary, therapeutic, and feng shui enhancing.

The History of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an element of the Mysteries of China, but ultimately, it's transcendent; its inspirational sources are the archetypes of the noumenal realm and its medium is the Tao – the Way of Heaven: the principle of wholeness, and rhythmic balance through cyclic change. Feng Shui acts as the interface between the invisible noumenal realm – 'Kan' (Heaven),, and the phenomenal realm – 'Yu' (Earth). Previously, Feng Shui was called 'KanYu' – 'between Heaven and Earth'.

In pre-dynastic times, the antecedent of Feng Shui was Xiangdi. This practice helped the Chinese determine the most appropriate site for settlement and the location of shrines, temples, and fertile lands.

The two most seminal elements of Feng Shui, however, are the "River Chart", and the "Lo Writing". The "River Chart" (Ho T'u) was a diagram borne from the Yellow River on the back of a dragon-horse during the reign of the legendary Fu Hsi. Of whom it is said:
"He looked up and contemplated the forms exhibited in the sky (the constellations), and he looked down contemplating the processes taking place on the earth. He contemplated the patterns of the various habitats and places."

The "Lo Writing" (Lo Shu) also emerging from a river - the Lo River, inscribed on the shell of a tortoise. Referred to as the "Ba Gua" or "magic square", it's an arrangement of numbers reflecting the cosmological order of the seasons, directions, and 8 trigrams.

Integral to this was the Five Element Theory, having its origins in the dynamics of yin, and yang, it depicts their evolution into five fundamental powers, agents, and phases of change: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The exposition of which was outlined in the Nei Ching, a medical compilation c. 400BC.

From the 11th century BC to 246 BC, divination, and astrology were practiced using oracle bones, and also for determining solar and lunar eclipses. Zhan Bu elucidated the mechanics of water movement, and that of underground streams.

From 475 to 221 BC, the I Ching began to exert a significant influence on Feng Shui. The Form (regulating the Qi), or Mountain Top School focused on landscapes, studying topographical features, soil quality, and watercourses. It located the the Feng Shui or power spots, and mapped the dragon pathways or energy lines of the Earth. Contemporaneously, Taoism and Confucianism, especially the concept of the 'superior man' (chün-tzu), began to profoundly influence Feng Shui, introducing the concept of decisive intervention in terrestrial events inspired by the archetypes of heaven.

The next phase of Feng Shui evolution was inspired by Guo Pu's the 'Book of Burial (276 -324), and Form School principles of siting became well established in Chinese literature.

Between 960 – 1279 AD, Feng Shui bifurcated into two major schools -the Form and Compass Schools. The Compass School (Regulating the form of energy), used a form of Ba Gua compass to dowse the Feng Shui of the environment. During the Song Dynasty, the Book of Yin Yang Celestial Poles was written by a Feng Shui master, Wu Jin–Luan, who persuaded Yang Yun-Sung to establish one of the first formal schools of Feng Shui in Take Jingo Province.

These are the major elements in Feng Shui's development.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a Mandarin phrase meaning - Force of Wind, Flow of Water. As old as Chinese culture itself, the name originated around 6000 BC. Feng Shui is described in classical texts as "Auspicious heavenly influence, beneficial topography, and harmonious human actions." In essence, it's a means of superimposing divine, archetypal order on the earth, and living in accordance with the Tao, or Way of Heaven. Ultimately, it aims at maximizing the positive environmental forces, or Qi, molding the landscape if necessary to enhance the flow thereof. Its other purpose is to divert, and neutralize the negative Sha Qi forces. Chinese alchemy, especially as outlined in the Secret of the Golden Flower, when applied to Feng Shui, aims to ultimately transcend the inter-death state by building the imperishable diamond body.

More mundanely, Feng Shui considers our residences to be a direct extension of ourselves. It provides the means of living in harmony with nature, and how to benefit from the positive energy, or Qi, in our living environment.

Many Feng Shui Schools have developed over the millennia, reflecting the multi-faceted nature of the discipline, however, most are a combination of the Form, and Compass Schools.

Feng Shui Schools

The Compass School based on the 8 trigrams of the I Ching, known as the Pa Kua, which, in turn, is based on the eight compass directions. Each direction being associated with a season, and a specific energy or 'element', (more correctly, 5 stages of change).

The Form School, is based on the morphology of the landscape: topographical features, soil quality, and watercourses. The "Regulating the Qi" school was concerned with finding the "the Feng Shui spot", and made detailed studies of the land, and watercourses, and concerned itself with locating the "dragon pathways", the "Dimai" or arteries , and veins of the earth.

Eight Mansion/ House Feng Shui, is based upon an individual's Kua number. Initially, the male householder's Kua number is utilized to bring the house into harmonic balance. Each person has auspicious and inauspicious directions, discoverable from the birth-date. The auspicious directions relate to success, health, romance, and development, while the inauspicious directions relate to bad luck, obstacles, illness, and destruction.

Nine Star Key uses the stars to establish lucky, and unlucky days. Astrology dictates when, and whom to marry. Each year, the Nine Star Key reveals what astrological house holds sway, and how best to live in accordance with its principles.

Black Hat Sect, relies on the Ba Gua diagram, which is an orientation device. It allows one to pinpoint the 9 areas of the home: prosperity, fame, relationships, family, health, children, knowledge, career, and patrons.

Flying Star is based on a combination of numerology, and astrology. It allows one to avoid continuing sickness, arguments, bankruptcy, legal problems, loss of wealth, relationship problems, health problems, and accidents.

Four Pillars, based on Chinese astrology, delineates the individual relationship with the zodiacal animals relating to the year, month, day, and hour.

There is much interchange of concept, and methodology between each of these schools. The best way is to experiment personally to find the most temperamentally suitable.
By: Barry Hooper

Feng Shui careers

By: Barry Hooper
"Deal with things in their state of not-yet-being put them in order before they have got into confusion"
The secret of Feng Shui Tao Te Ching, Ch 64

The craft of Feng Shui being multi-faceted affords great scope career-wise. But it also subjects one to the rigours associated with the Martial Arts, and the timeline of a medic. Ultimately, it should have 10 stages of progress, each increasingly more difficult, yet bestowing wider responsibility and wisdom with each accomplished step, paralleling the progress of the sorcerer's apprentice.

The Feng Shui training program: initially, some form of yoga, T'ai Chi and meditation to gain physical discipline, concentration, sensitization and insight. Next, a lifetime study of the I Ching, the quintessence of Chinese wisdom and Jin-Shu, the biographies of famous Feng Shui masters.

After which Kanya, the study of heaven and earth, the combined study of geography and astrology in relationship to man. Following which, mastering the Compass School -, the use of the Ba Gua diagram and the Lo P'an compass featuring the 'twenty-four directions' or 15 degree zones of the magnetic circle to help determine the Feng Shui of the situation, and the use of astrological charts and numerology to measure the auspiciousness of a dwelling.

Following this a study of the tenets of the Form school such as Dimai, the dynamics of mountain ridges, valleys, and rivers, and of the arteries of the earth – the 'Dragon Veins'. The examination of the Classics detailing the interrelationship between water, mountains, dwellings and agriculture such as the Water Dragon, which relates the optimum landscape-water interaction e.g. an ideal site, should nestle among watercourses, or the Shui Jing delineating the waterways of China, giving a wealth of information regarding harmony between buildings and landscapes.
A general course in human and colour psychology, then perhaps specialization in the use of the I Ching for divination, or Chinese alchemy.

Thus equipped one should be able to offer one's services as follows.

Siting a home

Auspicious siting
Banishing sha qi - negative energy
Diverting water lines and neutralising other forms of geopathic energy
Dowsing and harmonising the dragon veins
Diverting 'spirits'

Harmonising the home

Apply the Ba Gua diagram for orientation purposes
Interior décor and the optimum psychological colour combinations
Choosing the best fabrics, and materials
Advice on water devices, wind-chimes, crystals, aromatic oils and incenses
Avoiding angles, enhancing the circular
Placement of fish and plants etc.

Harmonising relationships

Individual and synastric (relational) astrological analysis
Yin-yang profiling
Taoist philosophy.

Individual destiny

Using western and Chinese astrology, its stems and branches, and numerology to delineate destiny and life paths.
Finding the best burial place

General counselling

Using the I Ching and the Lo P'an compass for divination and advice.

One could pursue this occupation on a freelance basis, professionally or corporately. It would be advisable, at regular intervals, to take refresher courses, degree courses, or specialize in order to become a consultant, or councillor. Your level of remuneration would depend upon which one of the 3 employment tracks above you followed. Alternatively, if you were part of a Chinese medical consortia or astrological consultancy, your income would rise proportionally.

Coping with the limited space of an apartment

By: Justin Aldridge
Most people who decide to move to Spain are seeking a change in lifestyle. It might involve examining priorities. Ultimately many of those priorities will be directly or indirectly associated with money. For a great deal of people the only way they will be able to at least to begin a new life in Spain, is to make some sacrifices. One of those sacrifices may be exchanging their comfy, central heated "castle" for a more basic apartment. Those who have decided to downsize from an average sized home with a loft and garage in the UK to an apartment in Spain will need to assess their belongings.

In order to live in apartment, you can really only keep what you need. If you are lucky enough to have a "trastero" (small store room) included than you are slightly more flexible. However, there is usually limited space within an apartment itself and once the wardrobes are full with your clothes, it doesn't leave space for much else. It is particularly difficult if you have children because of the obvious accumulation of toys.

It requires you to be quite ruthless to part with the belongings that have surrounded you either within your sight or stuffed away in a loft for a significant part of your life. But it must be done. Down grading to an apartment is not for sentimentalists and if you really want to hang on to your clutter you might want to consider the option of storage.

Another tip to overcome the limited space is to think carefully when furnishing your new property. Look for furniture which has a dual usage. For example a huge trunk can be filled with books and used as a coffee table. Look for beds with space underneath, okay it might not be good from a feng shui point of view, but I am sure the feng shui bosses would rather everything be under the bed than all over the floor as a hazard. You can use the space to store bed linen in those specially designed slim boxes. Invest in a couple of those vacuum bags to store away duvets during the summer.

Looking for a sideboard? How about one with drawers. The same goes for a bedside table. It takes up floor space so make sure that it has drawers. Make storage a priority when you are looking for furniture as you will certainly use it. You might even seek the assistance of the professionals such as a furniture broker who will put you in touch with suppliers who can assess your needs such as

If you have a spare single wardrobe, fit two or three shelves in to hide away towels, tools etc. Don't forget you won't have an airing cupboard or a cupboard under the stairs – all those hidey holes that you took for granted!

Living in an apartment really does take minimalism to the extreme and you will have to use your imagination to store away everyday items or you will soon feel as though you are bursting at the seams.

If you are making the move to an apartment in Spain this year review what you are taking with you, and then get rid of half it and a month later half again! Of course, it is entirely up to you what you do with your belongings but many people choose to sell things at car boot sales, put ads in local papers or if you are feeling generous give the lot to charity!

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Does Numerology really work ?

Does Numerology really work ?

Numbers and Vibrations have fascinated Man for a very long time. Thousands of people have changed or tuned their Birth Names hoping to benefit from it. Whatever the Numerology Method - whether it's Kabbalah or Pythagorean or Chaldean, does Numerology really work ? If No, Why ? If Yes, then How ? Read on for some real life, practical FAQs.

The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers) listed below are the most important and the most practical ones that are being asked around, more than anything else. If you wish to tune your Birth Name Vibrations, you should read them, to get guidance and clear your doubts. If you have already undergone Name Energy Correction or Numerological Correction, then you too must read them, to understand why it has not worked out to your expections.


Everybody told me about numbers and their Vibrations. I had the spelling in my name changed by an Expert Numerologist. But nothing much seems to have changed. Why ?


(1) You are right about the numbers : they do have vibrations. But have all the vibration inputs been taken into account ? Not all Numerologists consider all the right factors. The parameters to be considered are : Birth Name; Date, Month & Year of Birth; Day of Birth & the Time of Birth. All of them are equally important. Even if one of these parameters are not included, the input system itself will be incomplete. If any of these factors (say, the time of birth) is not available, there are Clairvoyant methods to see through this.

(2) There is an even important contributing input that eventually influences the name : the person's Karma. Without accessing the Karmic Vibrations nothing can be decided. This is another reason why the Numerologist should also be an Advanced Level Clairvoyant.

(3) Assuming you have changed your name into right vibrations (after rightly analysing all the correct inputs) how much will the changed vibrations bring you what you desire ?

Let us look at this logically. When YOU pronounce your name (with the corrected spelling), your name vibrations are activated and REACH OUT to the person/persons you are talking to. I agree.

(1) But what about other people you are linked with ?
(2) Can you talk with every other person about your changed name ?
(3) What about people whom you knew in the past but are not in speaking terms now ?
(4) What about people whom you have no knowledge of, but are going to get involved with you in your future ? How will your altered personal vibrations reach them ?

The conclusion is that you need an Energy Tool (which has been exclusively programmed for you) to keep transmitting your changed personal name vibrations 24/7 to all those who are currently involved with you, involved with you in your past and going to be involved with you in future. Then and only then you can reap the benefits of the corrected name vibrations.

That is exactly what I do for you when I implement my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. After diagonising the full range of inputs and scanning your karmic vibrations, I arrive at the primary objectives to be achieved and the negativites to be shed. These steps are then Programmed into a Crystal (after selecting the size, shape and colour of the Crystal most suitable for you) and then Energised. Now this Crystal will be broadcasting 24/7 the customised vibrations that will reach all the persons you need to deal with, to your terms. It could be an estranged business partner, a dear friend who had misunderstood you, a good old customer who had disappeared, a relative who hates you or a person who had felt blocks in reaching out to you.

In the NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, the word Kabbalah is spelt in many ways : kabala, kabbalah, kabbala, kabalah, qabala, qabalah, qabbalah, cabala, cabbala, cabbalah, cabalah.


I had my birth name tuned with a popular Numerologist. When I complained to him after an year that there had been no positive results, he advised me to write and rewrite my tuned name 48 times a day, for atleast the next 10 years - for empowerment, he said. I find it labourious and it also eats into my precious time. Is it worth it ?


It simply is not worth it. The concept that the name vibrations should be empowered is very correct. I agree. But how do you do it ? Definitely not by writing and rewriting it daily. I mean, how can you empower vibrations by just repeatedly rewriting it ? It is merely wasting the time and energy and nothing else.

There are dedicated tools and methods for creating, empowering, amplifying and broadcasting the name vibrations, to bring about sustained results. The best way of doing this is to dedicate the ideal crystal for this job, program it for solving the problem or meeting the purpose and activate it. These energy techniques are of very advanced level and have no similarities with energy healing methods like Reiki.


I have changed my name as per Numerology. Accordingly, I have changed my signature too. Shall I have to change my name in government documents, share certificates, gazette, etc. ?


Yes, because you are forced to announce the name change and it will have it's own definite legal implications. You have to go through all the red tape and spend time and money in these procedures.

But not in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. Because the converted vibrations reach and attract all those who have to be reached and informed - in your personal life and professional life, permanently.

In fact, what is nice about this whole system is that you need not announce the name change itself to anybodyelse. Whether you announce or not, you fully get to have all the benefits of the newly tuned name.

Which means there is no necessity whatsoever to change your signature or go through tedius red tape procedures with governmental agencies, etc. and waste both your time and money. Fantastic, isn't it ?


I had my Company's name changed as per Numerology, after a heavy slump in it's fortunes. Now I am forced to readvertise massively the newly tuned name and my advertising bills are becoming very heavy. Not only that, I have lost a lot of good will and reputation that was identified with the previous name. My Numerologist says you can't eat the cake and have it too. Is there a way out ?


Yes, there is. I can custom build a Crystal Energy Field for your re-tuned Company name which will be transmitting positive vibrations 24/7, so that your original purpose is fully solved.No need to relaunch expensive media campaigns in the new name/brand. You can continue to display your old and trusted Company name but still enjoy all the new benefits ! Yes, you can eat the cake and have it too !

In fact, in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, there is absolutely no need to announce the name change at all. That way, you get to save a lot of good money wasted on re-advertising.


Is it possible to do Name Energy Correction for my whole family through a single Crystal Energy Field ?


Yes, it is possible to undertake the Name Energy Correction of a whole family in a single Crystal Energy Field through the Advanced Versions of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology . For example, in Advanced Version II, it is possible to accomodate 8 members of the same family whereas in Advanced Version III, as many as 12 members can be counted in. In fact in these Advanced Versions, what is being done is much more than Name Correction, it is Personal Energy Correction itself.

So now, does Numerology really work ?

Yes, but only if properly Custom Programmed Energy Tools (like Crystal Energy Fields) are used to transmit the Name Vibrations .


House Energy Correction is the concept of controlling the 8 Directional Energies; 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the People; Boosting and Balancing the 5 Elements of the Lands & Buildings. Simply stated, it is the Total Energy Rectification of Horoscopes of the Family Members and Business Partners; Vaastu and Fengshui Energy Correction for their Lands & Buildings. Read the revealing FAQs about unique Crystal Energy Fields based on the Ancient Siddha Programming Techniques for Karma Correction. This is the third and last of a series of 3 parts of FAQs.

Question 18 : Can you explain how you go about with your Diagnosis and Energy Correction, with a Case Study ?

Ofcourse. This particular client of mine is running a garment factory with successful exports to Europe. For 8 years the business flourished and he expanded. Suddenly everything changed. Some of his orders got cancelled and many of his exported consignments got rejected. He started facing some serious labour problems, his financial troubles grew and he faced a couple of litigations too. All this within a single year.

When he came to me, he was depressed and in high stress. He was attracting a negative energy beam from his North and his Mooladhara Chakra had atleast 3 cracks in it. His other lower Chakras were unbalanced. All his upper Chakras, especially his Ajna & Sahasrara were solidly clouded. His South West was opening up and his North East was closing down. So were his land and buildings too. During the subsequent Clairvoyant session, it was revealed to me that the client had been a victim of Black Magic through 3 objects placed in his factory and home. The client agreed and said that he had been told the same through "Prashannam" (a Clairvoyant Casting Method with Vedic Astrology approach) and "Arul Vakku" (Clairvoyant Oracle under Divine Trance). A Tantric had also removed the objects and performed some poojas, about 6 months ago. But he was still sinking. I checked up and found that the objects had indeed been removed, though the negative energy formation still remained in it's place and was quite strong, as in most of such cases. This was the root cause of all his problems and the source had already contaminated his body and had started corrupting his mind.

After the diagnosis, it was revealed to me that energy flow had to be corrected for 6 of his 8 directions, apart from extensive Chakra Processing. The full solution was to create an 8 armed Crystal Energy Field with the Crystal shapes of Rahu or Vajra Phurba, Maha Meru & a Shri Yantra. The combined Crystal Energy of Snow Quartz, Lapis Lazouli, Red Jasper, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Orange Cornelian and Smokey Quartz with other invisible Sookshma Sakthis were needed. It would take a minimum of 4 weeks to build, program and energise the CEF, exclusively for the client, with some special high-end programming for the South West and North East. This particular concept is called Mayan Coloured Rahu Crystal Flame.

Today, after 8 months of the installation of CEF, the client's problems are fully solved and the effects of black magic totally destroyed. He is now in an aggressive business mode and his growth line is climbing real fast. His problems are now solved, forever.

Question 19 : Who is the Guru who taught you these Energy Correction Techniques ?

I was and am being attuned, taught (these time-tested, ancient Siddha Programming Techniques) and guided by Cosmic Energy Beings whom some would also call as Devathas or Angels.

Question 20 : Why do you remedy only through a Crystal Energy Field ?

Of all the remedies the mankind had been using since the dawn of civilisation, Crystals have given the best possible results. Because they are concieved, grown and gifted by Mother Earth herself. And Mother always knows best - she knows what exactly we need. Crystals are of a wide range, numerous in their varieties, limitless in their applications and have extraordinary powers, and when properly programmed and networked, they are willing workers. Crystals are forever.

Question 21 : Can you explain more on how you create your Crystal Energy Fields ?

To harness the power of the crystals is no simple task. Despite their superior power, they need to be "readied" for their tasks. They need to be "treated" properly, systematically and need to be provided with logistics. Just like Computers. Computers have super power, but are useless without the relevant Software. Here the Crystals are Computers and I am the Programmer. I create custom "Software" for operating the Crystals.

It's a long and meticulous process - right from diagonising the client's problems, wish lists, anticipated troubles, it goes right through to judging the crystal power needed for that particular customer/problem, calculating the number of crystals, selecting the right crystal varieties, exact crystal shapes - just like choosing the right computer configuration - not only for the current needs but also for the future requirements.

The Crystals are then cleansed, awakened (if need be), energised (to last for a long time - so long that one may almost call them near-permanent) blessed (by powerful and divine angelic forces) and then finally activated. Now comes the most crucial and life-giving part, the programming itself. The energy pattern native to the Crystals as well as the reinforced energy matrix is fully dedicated to the cause and life of the client's family/business - to solving the existing problems, to infuse positivity, boost growth and to protect when needed. This is the "crystal programming". Then all the involved Crystals are intensely bound and "networked" (once again, like in computers), as in the case, with star attraction, that is the Energy Tower (which could be a Crystal Pyramid, Crystal Maha Meru or a Pancha Boodha Stupa) to be linked and maintained till the end. That completes the "software" part.

Thus my Crystal Energy Fields are not only problem-specific, but also are client-specific, thus highly result oriented - unlike those who sell readymade crystal grids, off the shelf. I do not offer to sell customised products, but build exact, perfect solutions that really work for a long, long time.

Question 22 : Can you list some of the important factors that make your Crystal Energy Fields so very successful ?

(1) Because they are specially designed for a specific purpose, customised for the client and totally focussed on their intent, unlike the readymade crystal energy grids.

(2) Because they are carefully and expertly created by meticulously synchronising the crystal laylines of 8 cardinal directions with sacred geometry and precisely linking them to an extraordinarily powerful cosmic crystal energy source.

(3) Because of their built-in programs, they continuously cleanse the negativity, flushout blockages and beam you 100% positive energy on a sustained basis, so that you remain positive at all the four planes : physical, astral, mental and spiritual.

(4) Because they are empowered to systematically cleanse, energise, balance and harmonise all the 7 vital energy centers called as Chakras of the human body, on a direct and continual basis.

(5) Because they automatically scan the land and the building/flat you are in, sense the sources of negativity there (including Vaastu or Feng Shui defects), generate additional positive energy to overcome the negative energy there and shield you from them.

(6) Because they automatically tune to the new living space that you have moved/shifted to and harmonise it as your current home.

(7) Because they are geared to generate enough positivity not only in and around you, but also to sufficiently ground you. Especially when you live in the 10th floor of a high rise building and are experiencing a disconnect with the earth.

(8) Because they are not only tuned to your Personal Karma alone, but are tuned to the Family Karma, hence more effective.

(9) Because they also envelop and accomodate the human energy fields of newly inducted family members (if provisions are given earlier), like a new daughter-in-law, a new born child, et cetra.

(10) Because they are flexible enough to meet, accept and challenge fresh problems in their stride, before solving them in the customer's favour.

(11) Because the nature and power of our programming techniques are direct, stupendous, result giving and time-tested for thousands of years by Angels, Siddhas, Devathas, Celestial Light Beings and many other Higher Energy Forms, whatever name by which you call them.

(12) Because all the Horoscopes of the concerned people (family members and business partners of the present and future) are fully taken into account and complete Horoscope Rectification is done.

(13) Because all the Lands and Buildings of the client's family (those presently owned and also those to be acquired in future) are totally taken into account and their Five Elements are always tuned and kept in balance.

House Energy Correction, Horoscopes, Karma & Crystal Energy Fields : Part II

House Energy Correction is the concept of controlling the 8 Directional Energies; 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the People; Boosting and Balancing the 5 Elements of the Lands & Buildings. Simply stated, it is the Total Energy Rectification of Horoscopes of the Family Members and Business Partners; Vaastu and Fengshui Energy Correction for their Lands & Buildings. Read the revealing FAQs about unique Crystal Energy Fields based on the Ancient Siddha Programming Techniques for Karma Correction. This is the second of a series of 3 parts of FAQs.

Question 9 : Can you describe a Special Feature or a Special Crystal Energy Field ?

Oh yes. There are 2 high end CEF series called Crystal Karma Gate and Crystal Karma Galaxy. There are many special features in these models, eventhough one aspect really stands out. It is that they have a built-in Energy Ball Generator : all of your morally and ethically correct positive thoughts, wishes and tasks - whether personal or professional - are assigned to individually created (invisible) Energy Balls. The Energy Balls are programmed and energised accordingly and automatically, so that they maintain the right level of energy push and energy pressure until the event happens or the wish realises, fully. Fantastic, isn't it ?

Question 10 : How long does it take you to create a Crystal Energy Field (CEF) and then for results ?

My CEFs are custom built from the scratch. They are not to be compared with market-ready Reiki Grids and the like. Depending upon the model, anywhere between 4 to 12 weeks will be needed. The results start coming after the first 3 months of installation of the Crystal Energy Fields.

Question 11 : What happens when the client shifts his house or office - does he have to redo the House Energy Correction once again ?

I am glad you asked this question. Unlike other remedies which are place-oriented, mine is customer-oriented. All my CEFs are programmed to re-tune themselves to any new house or office, automatically. Which means when a client shifts to a new building, his CEF auto-tunes itself for this new place. It cleanses, boosts and balances the 5 Elements of the new land and building and integrates it to the client's family karma. In fact the CEF is safely installed inside a box that is comfortably portable.

Question 12 : And if there are any Vaastu or Feng Shui defects in the building ?

Any negative energy arising out of defects in Vaastu (Indian Vedic Vastu Vaastu Vasthu Vaasthu Shastra) or Fengshui (Chinese Feng Shui) are fully nullified by the CEF. There is no need for any alteration or demolition. Similarly the Geopathic Stress Levels as per the European Bau Biologie (Building Biology) are also totally corrected.

Question 13 : What about the people who live in rented house or shared apartments ?

It does not make any difference whether the native is living in own house or rented house or is sharing a flat with several other occupants. The House Energy Correction is done for a particular family or individual in the specific context of their currently residing living space. When the native shifts to another rented or own building, the CEF automatically does Energy Correction for this new living space. All other occupants continue to exist as per their Karma. There is no clash of interests here.

Question 14 : What if the different members of the same family live in different homes ?

Even if different members of the same family live in different homes or even different countries, still my CEF will reach out to them with ease. Only thing is that the CEF used for House Energy Correction will be of a different category with some high end Crystal Programming.

Question 15 : What you are saying is that your House Energy Correction takes into account the Horoscopes of the Family as well as the Vaastu/ Feng Shui/Bau Biologie of their property ?

Absolutely, but it is more and beyond that. It envelopes not only Birth Horoscopes but also Progressive and Gochara Horoscopes. It not only takes care of Vedic Vaastu Shastra, Oriental Feng Shui & European Bau-Biologie, but also the concepts of Gochara Vaastu and the Chinese Flying Stars Fengshui too.

Question 16 : Reverting back to our earlier conversation, how does "Programming" differ from "Energising" ?

"Energising" is the process of filling the remedy (whether it is Crystal or Feng Shui Cure or Pyramid or Sacred Geometry Yantra) with auspicious and positive energy, to last for a long, long time. "Programming" is the process of empowering the energy itself. In other words, "Programming" means defining and dedicating the positive energy to execute and complete specific tasks for specific people. Mere energising is not enough. Programming of remedies is a must.

A classical example will be the Computer. Like Computer, any good remedy is a powerful hardware. But you need to connect and switch on the Computer to make it active and stay alive - which is "energising". For the Computer to operate meaningfully, you need a proper software. That is the "programming" part.

Question 17 : How do you say your Crystal Energy Fields are "custom-built" ?

Crystal Grids or Crystal Energy Fields sold in the market are based on some regular designs, say, for healing or health. Here the crystals are simply assembled, mounted, (some are even) energised and sold off to the customer. There is either no programming at all or very rudimentary programming. The crystals are not selected exclusively for the customer or for his specific problems. A classical example would be what is popularly called as a Reiki Crystal Grid.

In my case, the Crystal Shape, Crystal Colour, Crystal Power and the Quantity of the Crystals are individually selected based on the Karma of the customer's family, business, lands, buildings and the problems he is facing as well as those he would likely face, in the future. Then the Crystals are Programmed and Energised. The Crystal Energy Field is near-permanent. It will work only for the programmed tasks, for the programmed people only. There is no energy loss involved. Thus it is custom-built.
By: Crystal Master

House Energy Correction, Horoscopes, Karma & Crystal Energy Fields : Part I

House Energy Correction is the concept of controlling the 8 Directional Energies; 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the People; Boosting and Balancing the 5 Elements of the Lands & Buildings. Simply stated, it is the Total Energy Rectification of Horoscopes of the Family Members and Business Partners; Vaastu and Fengshui Energy Correction for their Lands & Buildings. Read the revealing FAQs about unique Crystal Energy Fields based on the Ancient Siddha Programming Techniques for Karma Correction. This is the first of a series of 3 parts of FAQs.

Question 1 : What exactly is "Energy Correction" ?

Human beings, like all objects, receive different levels of energies from the 8 different directions. When all the 8 directional energies are positive enough, they get positive results. When the energy levels dip below a limit, they suffer. For example, if a person receives high positive energy from his North, he will be financially well off. But if he also receives negative energy from his South East, he will never be able to enjoy it. The blue print of the energy levels of a person at his birth time is what you could call as his Birth Horoscope.

These 8 energy streams control the 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the person, which in turn control every thing else in his life. The quality (positive or negative) of the energy and the quantum (percentage) of the energy that a person receives is his Karma or Destiny. The concept of correcting the 8 Directional Energies and tuning the 7 Chakras & Energy Bodies of a person so that he stays within a 100% positive energy belt all his life-time is called Personal Energy Correction.

Question 2 : Can you explain more about these Energy Beams from the 8 Directions ?

Energy (or Prana or Chi) is pure and on it's own, is always balanced positive. It is the basic power brick on which the Cosmos is built upon. However, depending upon the Karma of the Person, Land and Building, it/he receives energy either as positive or negative. Then the percentage of the positive or negative energy that it/he receives culminates in positive or negative events of it's/his life. Unlike Land and Building, the Person moves. Where the Person moves, his Karma follows. So do the Energy Beams that he receives from the 8 Directions. It does not matter what direction he is moving or facing, it does not matter whether he is in India or America, he keeps receiving the same Energy Beams with the same Quality (Positive or Negative) and Quantity (Percentage), until the change is destined or brought about.

Question 3 : You spoke of Horoscope & Karma. Are you saying that both can be rectified ?

Yes ofcourse. All the Planetary Energies are received by a person through the 8 Directional Energies only. By filtering or/and transforming them, you pacify the planets, remove the effects of problems like female curses, planetary & pithru doshas, etc. In other words, you rectify the Birth Horoscope itself. In fact, there is a more sophisticated process with which I undertake Karma Correction itself. This process minimises the bad karma to such an extent that one simply doesn't feel it's impact at all.

Question 4 : So then what is "House Energy Correction" ?

House Energy Correction is a two fold process. In the first fold, Personal Energy Correction (including Horoscope Rectification) for all the residing family members is done. In the second fold, the Five Elements of the Land and the House are fully balanced. In other words, the Karma of the Lands, Home and the People living there are integrated, cleansed, tuned and balanced. That is called House Energy Correction.

Sub-Question : What are the controlling Five Elements of Nature ?

The controlling Five Elements of Nature are also known as the Pancha Pranas or the Pancha Bhoodhas : Earth (Bhoomi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Metal, Vaayu), and Ether (Wood, Sky, Spirit, Space, Aakash).

Question 5 : Once corrected, how long do these positive effects last ?

In my process, once corrected, the energies stay corrected. That is because I use Crystals as my Energy Tools. Unlike any other remedies, Crystals last for hundreds of years. Plus the Crystal Programming Techniques that I use are extremely powerful, time-tested and bestowed by the Ancient Ones or the Sacred Siddhas. That is why I say the positive effects will atleast last for 3 generations. The Energy Corrections that I undertake are done through custom built Crystal Energy Fields.

Question 6 : Can you eloborate more on these Crystal Energy Fields ?

The Crystal Energy Fields are created by numerous Crystals arranged in a special formation, after being programmed and energised for executing specific tasks for specified people. The quality, colour, nature and shape of the Crystals needed for House Energy Correction depends on the Karma of the Family. Some of the crystal energy shapes that I use for Energy Correction are Maha Meru, Stupa, Vajra, Viswa Vajra, Rahu or Vajra Phurba, etc. I also use exclusive crystal shapes like Maha Meru with Viswa Vajra, Ashta Vajra Stupa and Ashta Vajra Maha Sakthi Chakra.

Question 7 : How do you determine the type and number of Crystals that are needed for a particular family or business ?

By Clairvoyance or Sookshma Drishti, I scan the energy levels of the People, Lands & the Buildings. Without it you cannot practice Energy Correction. I also use certain Divining Tools like Tarot Decks, Runes & I-Ching Coins, if and when needed.

Question 8 : Are there many models of Crystal Energy Fields ?

Yes, there are very many models. Some are very sophisticated and more powerful than others. Some are for specific tasks like bringing together estranged couple, concieving a child or solving psychic problems or breaking black magic . Some of them are dedicated for Business Energy Correction. There are certain models for only handling factory related problems like production and labour problems, litigations, etc. I also build exclusive CEFs for the NewAge Kabbalah Numerology which I practice. The kabbalistic numeric vibrations of the tuned name are transmitted 24/7 through CEF, to achieve and retain results.
By: Crystal Master

Fast Solutions with Feng Shui

Fast Solutions with Feng Shui
By BatSheva Vaknin

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art used in the home to create balance and harmony. Feng Shui Practitioners have many tricks of the trade used to get rid of negative energy and promote happiness, stability, affluence, tranquility and peace. With the help of this guide, now you, too, can use Feng Shui to enhance your surroundings.

Here are some Feng Shui fast solutions to allow you to experience maximum fulfillment in your current home:

Color. Color can lift you up or bring you down, so pay attention to the colors you choose for your furniture and to decorate your house. Decide on which color best suits your living room, bedrooms, dining room and furniture by figuring out the energy you would like for that particular room or area.

* Red: Great for energy and excitement. Works perfectly in a dining room to keep folks awake at the dinner table. Not so good for bedrooms and studies, as its properties can make it hard to relax and unwind.
* Orange: Stimulates hunger. Softer, lighter shades work great for living rooms, playrooms, and even bedrooms.
* Yellow: Inspires happiness and creativity. Use in any room to add brightness and vitality.
* Green: A healing and soothing color. A perfect choice for a living room or any room where you want to enhance the energy of balance.
* Blue: A healing and soothing color. A perfect choice for a living room or any room where you want to enhance the energy of balance.
* Indigo: Yet another color that heals and soothes. Good for a child's room to promote healthy sleep habits.
* Purple: A highly spiritual color that promotes richness and transformation. Can be too high of a frequency for a large room, so consider using accents of purple as an alternative to painting an entire room.

Light. Light exerts a strong influence over how we feel. Take care to light each room so that you achieve the appropriate calming or energizing effect.

* Sunlight: Natural lighting is the very best way to brighten a room.
* Good Quality Lighting: Second best to natural lighting. If possible, don't skimp when it comes to buying lamps, track lighting, or fixtures for your home.
* Bright Lighting: Promotes energy and activity (for a playroom, for example).
* Low Lighting: Promotes calmness and relaxation (for a bedroom or study, for example).
* Dimmers: Can be purchased at a local hardware store. Dimmer switches give you the flexibility to alternate between bright and low lighting in the same room. With a dimmer, bedrooms can be used to play, study, or sleep, your dining room can accommodate a lively brunch or a romantic supper, and the living room can foster animated conversation or some quiet family reading.

Touch. Designers often overlook the power of texture and how it influences the energy of your home and surroundings. Play with accessories and furniture of different materials to achieve surprising results.

* Rugs: A shag rug emits a playful energy, while a tightly coiled country rug adds a homey, nurturing touch to a living room. Decide whether you would prefer to tread barefoot upon a soft carpet or a cool shiny wood floor. One draws the energy of comfort, the other professionalism. Choose the materials best suited for the energy you would like each room of your home to radiate.
* Pillows: Silk pillows add richness and sensuality. Cotton is good for kids or casual relaxation, and fun, fluffy pillows can be employed for a lighter, playful effect in a living room or playroom.
* Furniture: Sleek wood furniture conveys a sturdy and reassuring energy, while soft leather couches and armchairs add a luxurious energy to a living room or study.

Smell. Aromas are an easy and inexpensive solution to help you achieve a harmonious home environment. Play with different scents in each room, changing them occasionally to see how the smells aid in energizing or relaxing you.

* Flowers: Flowers can be a terrific addition to any household because of their color and innate positive energy. Easy to forget, however, is how wonderful a room smells when fresh flowers are added.
* Candles: Candles look beautiful and have an immediate calming effect on a room. Use different scents for each room, or place various candles with unique smells together in one collection.
* Cooking: Cooking provides nourishment and comfort. An added benefit is the wonderful smells of cooking, which contribute to a balanced atmosphere in your home.
* Incense or alternatively, Sage: Incense is a fantastic cleansing agent. Use it to erase negative energies, such as after an argument. The scent will permeate all corners of the room, and either relax or invigorate the inhabitants, depending on what type of incense you use.

You! Don't forget the most important element of your home: you and your family. Even plants and flowers play a vital role in livening up an environment. Pets and children are great for adding movement in each room, which, in turn, keeps the energy of your house circulating. Play with these and other Feng Shui solutions, to maintain balance and perfect harmony in your home.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Feng Shui tips for romance and relationships

Feng Shui plays an important part in your relationship and romance, follow the twelve tips below and you will be fighting them from your door.

1) THE SOUTH WEST CORNER - This segment of your house is where love reigns and you should pay special attention to it. It governs the luck of love, romance and family happiness.

2) SOUTH WEST CORNER - If you wish to improve your existing relationship, place a family photo in your south west corner of your home, make sure it is a happy photo or even a painting of a family. If you wish to enhance your romance luck place a Dragon headed tortoise with a piece of red ribbon in his mouth .

3) CHANDELIER - Hanging a chandelier or crystal sphere/ball in the Southwest corner of your home is wonderful for activating the chi energy that stimulates romance. This introduces fire into this segment, which has Earth as its presiding element to bring love luck.

4) SOFT LIGHTING - Soft or pastel colour lampshades with soft lighting in the Southwest creates an atmosphere of romance which in itself is known to "put you in the mood". Needless to say, harsh lighting and spotlights are definitely to be avoided here.

5) CANDLES - Candles in all shapes, sizes and color are suggestive of love. Apart from giving your area a warm glow, it also enhances the entire look of your home, while enhancing romance. Remember however, to put them out so that they don't pose a fire hazard in your home.

7) CRYSTALS - Natural crystals are one of the best symbols of mother earth. Rose quartz and yellow citrine are crystals that work well to bring you lots of love luck. Place these crystals in the form of pebbles or larger forms like the raw Amethyst in the Southwest corner of your living room to energize love.

8) PINK BED SHEETS - Pink sheets raise subtle yang energy, which enhances feelings of love and romance in those who seek conjugal bliss in the bedroom.

9) BE HONEST - Talk openly about your relationship and ways that you feel you could improve it.

10) Buy a indoor water fountain and place it in the south-west corner of your home, you will be amazed at the effect this can have on a relationship, or encourage a new one.

11) A wise man puts his foot down, only to shift positions when arguing with his wife.

12) Use Crystals spheres in your home to activate ch'i.

Feng Shui tips for your business and office

1). Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure that you have support in your life, never sit with a window behind you.

2) In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the wealth area and future wealth area for more Businesses.

3) The arrangement of tables and chairs should be in a harmonious position so that chi is able to flow smoothly.

4) If you wish to be the leader in your industry, place a Dragon on the right hand side of your desk facing towards the window or the door. The Dragon can also look into your water fountain. A Dragon always chases after a pearl, thus the window; water fountain can signify the pearl

5) If you own a shop try and place the till in your wealth corner, even your petty cash tin.  Order books can also be placed here with Chinese coins held together with red ribbon.

6) You should not have any cactus or sharp looking plants in your office as these plants have small sharp leaves and therefore causes "shar chi" in the office. The chi that rides on the wind will have to pass through them causing chi to be fierce and sharp.

7) If your staff always fall sick in that area, then use a metal wind chime made of 6 or 7 metal rods about 1ft long are the best as the sound of metal is the best Feng Shui cure. Others like a metal sculpture or metal object would not be that effective although they are also metal in nature. Place a hanging crystal sphere to activate ch'i or disperse negative ch'i.

8) In your office, never have the main door opening into your table as the chi coming in will hit at your face causing you not to have good luck but instead more obstacles and problems. reorganize your office.

9) In a managers office you should try not to chose a room with two doors, because the ch'I will go into that room and out the other door.

10) The chi from the main entrance of your office should not meet a wall inside the office. This is because the chi once it hits the wall has to turn and therefore causing it to slow down hence your businesses will be slow and not vibrant. Try using a hanging crystal in your office entrance this will enhance ch'i.

11) Do not place the photocopy machine near to the main door. Heat near the main door is frequently not preferred and causes the chi to be hot and dispersed easily as more people are likely to walk in and out thus carrying chi in and out too fast because the chi is not allowed to stay for some time.

12) Do not place a paper cutter machine next to the main door. Cutter machine is to cut papers. Therefore if located here will cause staff to back stab each other and fight too if one is not careful.

13) Do not place an empty vase next to the main door, as the new chi once it enters your office will be sucked into the vase causing nothing much left for the environment.

14) For corporate clients a fish tank placed in the wealth area is the best for great results and success. However there are strict criteria's for the fish tank that one has to follow.

15) The company signboard should be in the wealth area so that no other competitors can be strong enough to beat you at your game.

16) Place an indoor fountain in your wealth corner, to activate ch'i. These also have medical benefits.

17) Do not have clutter in your office; desks must be kept tidy and clutter free. This is so important, an office in China would not have these paper trays on desks, and most American companies now employ the same approach.

18) Place a hanging crystal in your window, this will activate ch'I, as well as looking fantastic, when the hits them they produce the most amazing rainbows

19) Three legged Toad God. This figure is used for attracting wealth and abundance. Place this wonderful creature near your front office entrance, facing into your office for luck and wealth, or place it in the wealth sector of your office to magnify your wealth luck. Always leave the coin in its mouth.

20) Crystal ball, apart from looking into future you can place on top of phone to encourage more business calls. Also to attract wealth. Also to attract wealth and good luck, a great all round cure that every office should have one.

21) Fu Dogs Male & Female, these protective animals are placed near your doorway of your office to protect from evil influences. They are a symbol of valor and prosperity. 

22) Ba Gua Mirrors,If you have any negative energy directed at your front office door, these Ba Gua mirrors will disperse the negative energy.